Web3 Podcasts

Here’s what I’m listening to in the space.
August 7, 2023
Photo by Jukka Aalho on Unsplash

People often ask me: “Brett, where can I learn more about web3?”

In a couple of upcoming blog posts, I’m going to share some of my favorite web3 learning materials that I utilize every week. For today’s post, let’s look at some of my favorite web3 podcasts.

Here’s a non-exhaustive infographic I’ve pulled together of the web3 podcast landscape to choose from:

Lots of great options to choose from that it’s actually a pretty daunting task to find your favorite web3 podcasts. If that’s what you’re thinking, I agree with ya there. Tbh, it’s all about finding what resonates with you!

So, what resonates with me?

There are two podcasts that I try to listen to pretty religiously as part of my overall learning:

Web3 Breakdowns:

Web3 Breakdowns is an interview-based podcast where they bring on anyone from web3-natives to traditional enterprise across the entire spectrum of the token economy.

  • Episodes range in length, but typically about 45 minutes
  • Episode released weekly on Fridays
  • Each quarter they do a market recap that is very solid

Web3 Academy:

Web3 Academy runs a number of different podcast formats under this show, from interviews to updates to rollups and short clips. I think they do a great job of simply explaining things and making web3 a bit more real.

  • Episodes range in length, depending on format — but the regular show is typically around an hour
  • Episodes are released every day or two
  • Each week they do a “Rollup” episode that is a good catch-all

Both of these are fantastic for what I’m looking for in my podcasts. If you like my blogs and my content, I think you’ll like them too!

I definitely listen to many of the others I included on that list, especially when an interesting guest comes on or there’s a specific topic I’m researching. In addition, I’ve been a guest on a few of these including Now & Next, TEP, and OOO A Web3 Marketing Podcast (thanks again for having me!).

While I do listen to a wide variety of podcasts, the two I mentioned above are definitely my most consistent pods.

What did I miss? What are you listening to?


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